Membership Covenant
The Life We Commit To Live Out Together
Membership Covenant
As members of the Forestdale Community Church under the headship of Christ and empowered by His Spirit, we prayerfully covenant before God and with one another:
To build up the body of Christ by:
1. Loving our brothers and sisters in Christ in this congregation, and allowing ourselves to be loved by them.
2. Maintaining a humble and teachable spirit before God and our brothers and sisters as we all grow toward maturity in Christ.
3. Giving to the work of God here at Forestdale with our tithes and offerings, our spiritual gifts, our talents, and our passions in service to God and others.
4. Submitting ourselves to the Church Constitution as the order for our government of the Forestdale Community Church.
To glorify God by:
1. Responding to His great love for us by loving Him back with all our heart and soul and mind and strength, and by loving each other as He has loved us.
2. Submitting to the authority of God’s Word as our ultimate authority for faith and practice.
3. Committing ourselves to the continuing journey of discipleship, growing in faith, worship, prayer, and Bible study.
To reach others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by:
1. Loving and serving our neighbors.
2. Sharing the hope that is in us when given the opportunity.
3. Inviting the un-churched to attend worship services, Bible studies, and other activities that are part of our shared life together as a Church.
4. Reaching out to guests and welcoming new-comers to our Church.