Local &Global Missions
Serving our City and the World
Forestdale proudly serves our neighborhood and the world by supporting international missionaries, active church plants and local organizations meeting the needs of the hungry, poor, and homeless in Metro Boston. Everyone can be loving God, loving others, and making disciples for Jesus in their homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools.
Church Plants
“Let the nations praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! Let the nations be glad and sing for joy."
Psalm 67:3-4

In 1999, when we were running out of space in our modest church building, God gave us a vision for church planting.
Instead of attempting to expand our building or purchase a new property to contain the growth, we sensed God leading us to multiply ministries outside the walls of our church. We sent our youth leader and his wife with 25 of our church members to plant a new church on the other side of the city. That church, Seven Mile Road, now boasts a strong, diverse, and growing congregation meeting weekly at Malden High School, 77 Salem Street.
Since then, we have also helped to plant a Vietnamese Church here in Malden, and Seven Mile Road has planted churches in Philadelphia, Melrose, and Wakefield.
We are excited to be part of a movement within our CCCC conference of churches to plant churches all over the USA.
Global Missions
"And I said, Here am I. Send me!"
Isaiah 6:8

The first pastor of the Forestdale Community Church was Ralph E. Dodge, who went on from here to become a missionary in East Africa. He instilled a heart for global missions in the Church, which has continued to this day.
We currently support missionaries in East Africa, Haiti, France, Indonesia, Puerto Rico, and Papua New Guinea. We support global evangelism and discipleship, church planting, Scripture translation, clean water projects, and disaster relief.
Our church is also praying regularly for delivering the Good News to the “Bee” people in their mother tongue. Our missionaries are now trying to recruit 1000 people who would be willing to receive SHORT daily prayer requests and pray for the Bible translation and the church planting among this group. If you would like to receive these daily email prayer requests, please subscribe by clicking here. This prayer program will start in December 2019.
The church gives about $23,000 towards global missions each year.
Serving Greater Malden
"Declare his Glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples."
Psalm 96:3
FCC members Emily Bouché (middle) and Scott Govoni (right) delivering backpacks for the homeless.

Malden Warming Center: We are encouraging our people to volunteer to help staff the new Warming Center at the Nazarene Church during the months of January, February, and March. The Malden Warming Center is a safe, warm place for homeless people in our area to go on cold winter nights. It is open 7 nights per week from 7:00pm – 6:30am.
Operation Christmas Child: This year our people filled 90 shoe boxes with presents for kids around the world! Lorraine Everitt spearheads this yearly church-wide ministry to kids all over the world. Working with Samaritan’s Purse, our people fill shoeboxes with gifts for kids which are then shipped out to children in third-world countries for Christmas. For more information on the ministry, visit samaritanspurse.org.
Some of the other ways we serve our community and world:
Feeding the hungry and homeless in Malden and surrounding communities through the Bread of Life Ministry. Hot meals are served four nights a week. For more information, visit breadoflifemalden.org
We have sent many of our teenagers and adults on short-term mission trips to Haiti, the Philippines, Ecuador, and Mexico.
Each summer we welcome 80-100 children from our community to come and spend a week with us learning about Jesus through skits, games, songs, stories, and crafts at Vacation Bible School (VBS). A whole host of volunteers are needed each year to help us serve the kids in each of those areas.
Opportunities for service within the church:
Sunday morning: musicians, ushers, Sunday School teachers, and nursery care workers are all needed.
Throughout the week: disciple makers, small group leaders, devotional writers, gardeners, and janitors are all needed to continue the ministry of the church.
Want to get involved? Contact Pastor Paul for more information!